Mar 24, 2011

Innovation happened in my researched organization

by Emma

Change is happened everyday around us, such as change of wearing style, communicating skill and favorite movies . but above mentioned is all about things changed on ourselves. we can change everything on us whenever and whatever, but how about changing happened in one company or one organization? In fact, it is totally different, change would become hard to carry out, because there are many people watching, supervising and having responsibilities in what you are doing for this big family. if manager wants to do some innovation, he/she needs to do a fully preparation to persuade the boss, same level managers and even workers. Therefore change in my mind is a kind of art.

I want to share one innovation which happened in my father’s factory, this is about change of the learning room layout.

In the past years, there was no special room for taking lessons. Managers found it was energy-waste when repeatly solved the same problem for different workers. so that they thought of a plan that was making a room for learning together. Surprisingly, this proposal was accepted by

However, problems emerged after several classes were taken, listeners replied it was boring and tedious sitting in the room, words from speaker made them sleepy. Therefore, some managers discussed whether they should add some technology equipment and change the layout of furniture.

Few weeks later, the learning room had a new look, it was installed a projector, a computer, and  the furniture laying was not mess any more, but is in order (e.g. tables are placed one row by one row). the new learning room made workers refresh, and happy to stay here. Besides, speakers not

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